Process Post #2

written and posted Oct 2 by Mallory Mariano

Q: Map out your website, visualizing which components should be placed where. Where will your PUB101 content live? This can be a diagram, a map, an infographic. Instagram it. Initiate at least one online social media platform and begin to look at which others work best for your online presence.

So mapping out the logistics of my site, such as the design and the placement of all the important areas (ie. class related assignments like Process Posts, Mini Assignments) has been a learning curve. Deciding on the overall theme – WordPress has a plethora of a themes that it can be quite overwhelming landing on a decision for how the site will appear, aesthetically. Tentatively – this is how I have landed on for the mechanics of the site:

Three Main Buttons at the top of the page: Home, About, and POSIEL. As an aside, I plan to include a Socials or Contact option alongside these other buttons – it is not a priority at this time, but something I plan to implement in the near future.

Blog Posts/Weekly Content displayed on the home page, below the four main aesthetic Pintrest-like images, sorted in chronological order with the most recent post on the right, moving toward the left.

The POSIEL option on the home page will feature another page. essentially acting as a link tree for all the main academic content that I will be writing for the entirety of the semester. Process Posts, Mini Assignments, the Short Essay, and Peer Reviews.

One caveat that I should absolutely note with regard to the design of my site is the constraints of my chosen theme. I have attempted to circumnavigate the WordPress Administrator page for the specific customization tool, to generate/create drop down menus. Suffice it to say, I was not successful and have relegated to implementing the next best thing, which is the aforementioned link tree style of menus to aggregate all my important class content.

The four main images on the Home Page; I envision myself cycling out the images, perhaps with the changing of the four seasons? But still keeping in thematic consistency as feminine, soft, academia-esque, and bookish. Otherwise, I am very happy with my site’s aesthetic and can already foresee the numerable ways I plan to design the page.

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